Sunday, June 21, 2009


In Order For You To Succeed,
You Must Continually Point Your Life
In The Direction Of Your Desired Destination.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Knowledge Is The Missing Link Between Zeal And Reward.

"For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge."

Romans 10:2 (NKJV)

The unexpected richness of sweet figs, the soothing texture of apricot sourdough bread, the hearty flavor of stewed barley, and the delicate symbolism of roasted lamb joyously sing a harmony of delight for those who relish the Palestinian cuisine. Trapped in a complex web of unwholesome, prepared foods, more and more people around the world are gaining knowledge concerning the healthy benefits of a Biblical, Mediterranean diet. But how many people are alert enough to seek this information with great zeal? It is the same with Christians, many of whom never truly experience the rewards of Heaven because of their own lack of knowledge. If Satan keeps us out of the Word of God, he keeps us where we are-feeble, undernourished, and ignorant of our rights and rewards. We see a great example of this in the parable Jesus illustrates in Luke 15:31, "Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours." The son didn't realize that he could partake of his father's goods any time he wanted. God says the same to us today.

In the book of Hosea, we see that God's people perish for lack of knowledge. And isn't it the same in regard to proper food? Remember, Jesus came to give us abundant life. But we will never partake of that life until we know what it includes. We can go no further than the knowledge we possess. We must commit ourselves to careful study and examination of God's Word to discover what is rightfully ours. Passion concerning good health requires great knowledge. Our zeal, combined with our knowledge of Him, propels us like a fighter jet, straight into our Heavenly inheritance.

Daily Confession

Father, I understand that zeal without knowledge is not good. Therefore I study Your Word, and search out the information I need to possess the reward You have for me.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Doubt Is The Vehicle That Leads Us Down The Road Of Poverty.

"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord."

James 1:5-7 (NKJV)

What caused much of Israel to reject Jesus Christ, the Messiah?
What forced the Romans to eventually crucify an innocent man?
And what is the wave that tosses us to and fro?

DOUBT! Doubt puts a chokehold on any blessings that God wants to bring to our lives. The moment we look upon the circumstances of our lives, we dilute the faith that we possess. When Peter focused on the fierceness of the waves and the howling of the wind, he began to sink - and so do we if we allow doubt to crowd our faith in whatsoever God said.

If we focus on the circumstances of life rather than keep our attention on God's Word, faith remains dormant. Doubt is given power the moment we choose to take our eyes off the truth of what God said. But faith comes alive the moment we choose to believe the promises of God, regardless of what we go through. Doubt remains powerless as we commit to live by faith and not by sight, for we are recreated in Christ to dwell there.

Daily Confession

Father, I thank You that I bury doubt by believing Your Word. I ask You in faith for what I need, not doubting, and I expect to receive what I ask of You.


Improvement Is Guaranteed
To Those Who Are Willing To Change.

The Greatest Achievers You'll Ever Meet Are The Greatest Learners You'll Ever Find.

"Intelligent people are always open to new ideas. In fact, they look for them."

Proverbs 18:15

"The wise person makes learning a joy; fools spout only foolishness."

Proverbs 15:2

At the time of Christ's birth, Rome had illustriously become the world's alternative to God. As the master of the world, Rome began to fall into unearned wealth through slavery, immorality, laziness, and obsession with worldly pleasures. They had achieved much, but learned little. Wisdom in the Roman Empire was as scarce as the reading of the Law. As Christians, however, we can be so grateful to God for where He takes us. He gave us wisdom and insight from His Word that we otherwise could not discover. Our present situation is a reflection of how well we use the knowledge God gave us. Nevertheless, if we are to achieve more, we need to learn more.

Knowledge-it floods today's world with the force of the Seven Seas! The trouble we have is deciding what we want to learn, and then devoting ourselves explicitly to it. The best way to solve this dilemma is to determine what you really need in order to be more successful at your current assignment. Your goal is never simply raw information. On the contrary, you must refine raw information into wisdom and understanding in order to apply it to your life. From there, the sky is the limit! Make the choice to dedicate yourself to learn what it takes to excel in a specific area of life. Don't look back. Once you make the choice, stick to your commitment.

Daily Confession

Father, I thank You for helping me hear new ideas and put them into practice.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Promotion Stems From Actions, While Frustration Is The Result Of Intentions.

"But if you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law-the law that sets you free-and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it."

James 1:25 (NLT)

The Jews intended to believe in the Messiah. They also intended to follow God with all their hearts, intending to learn the Scriptures and the prophecies therein. But obviously, many of them failed to do so since they crucified the very same Messiah that was eagerly awaited for so many generations. Their intentions faltered-big time! But the blessing of God comes to the person who follows through with his intentions. While we may think our good intentions should bring us promotion, it's only when there is real progress that we can expect v progress in life. Dormant intentions only serve as a source of frustration. We must avoid the temptation to believe that we are being cheated or treated unfairly when we don't receive promotion, even though we have such grandiose intentions.

So, where do we begin?
First, let us admit that we have ample room to grow in this area.
Second, let us determine which of our good intentions deserve our concentrated attention.
Third, let us pull out all the stops and go after a solid performance, measuring our success by our actions, and no longer by our mere intentions.

Daily Confession

Father, I thank You that I look steadily into Your perfect law, the law that sets me free. Help me to always be a doer of Your Word, and I know that I am blessed because of it.


Your Life Today Is The Result Of The Thoughts Of Yesterday.